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Hi there my name is Kate

From running around the yard slaying dragons with my two kids to mountaintop kisses with my husband, I believe in life’s extraordinary, ordinary adventures. Life really is a beautiful, wild, heart-thumping thing.

I’m all about the touchstones, the moments that make you feel. I try to see them in my everyday life and to help my kids find them. I want to see my kids grow into who they are without expectations or boundaries. There is so much to learn and I never want them to feel limited. I want them to know it’s not us against the world, it’s us in the world.

Kate at Bona Vista Nursing homeMy heart is balanced between loving on growing families and connecting with inspiring people around the globe through international documentary work. I can never leave either for long.

People inspire me. Traveling opens the mind and heart. Trips to document the stories of nonprofits all over the world fill me up in a way that is unique and gives me purpose. This is a giant part of who I am. It reminds me that I am human and my most basic desire is to connect with the community around me. Life is all about finding your village, I hope to be a part of yours.

A connected observer, I pride myself on being a thoughtful person that embraces the journey in this adventure we call life.

I live my own life with the steady acknowledgement that it all matters. The big and the small. The hard and the easy. The simple and the complicated. Every experience builds on the last and forms us into exactly who we are supposed to be. I love connecting on the experiences that got you here and watching your family grow. Getting to know my clients and their stories grounds me and allows me to do my best work.

"Kate, you are such a phenomenal photographer, artist and person. Your gift is in how much thought and love you put into every single moment you photograph." -Kendra

You are safe here.

This is a HATE FREE BUSINESS. Those from every walk of life are not only welcomed but embraced in front of my camera and in my life. YOU are welcome with me. YOU belong in my village.

"Kate Carlton creates a different kind of portrait — raw, real, and beautiful, her work captures the journey of motherhood. A birth photographer, she won’t get photos of you and your family looking your prim and proper best, but will deftly capture the moment you become a family — or the moment your family expands, the moments you will want to cherish forever. Her portfolio is full of strength, tenderness, and love. If you are looking for a birth storyteller, Kate is your gal — we cannot recommend her highly enough." -Liz

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